What happens after we die

                  Life After Death

So many people have been confused about what really happens when we die. Many questions arises everyday and left many people agitated by the mystery of death. Here,I'm going to explain what really happens when we die.

(Reference from the Bible)
The Bible,the oldest preserved book,has solved the mystery of what really happens when we die.

From the Beginning

Adam and Eve lived on earth and was made to transform the earth into a paradise. 
(Genesis 1:28,31)-God blessed the two lovely couples and told them
 to fill the earth and have subjection over everything. 

What really happens when you go against a law?

God commanded Adam to eat from all the trees of the garden,but a tree was exempted,The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Bad-(Genesis 2:6,17)
Sadly Adam disobeyed God and lost perfection and so he had to die-(Genesis 3:17,19)

Now let's use this illustration:
Suppose you are baking a cake and you find a little dent in the pan. After baking it,that dent on the pan reflects on the cake. That is what happened to mankind. Adam had that little dent called "Sin". After producing offspring,that dent must also reflect on all of his offspring. No wonder we all die!-(Romans 5:12)

Life after death

When a man die,he knows absolutely nothing. There is no proof that after death,he goes on to live somewhere else.-(Ecclesiastes 9:5,10)
Learn the bible teachings online @Jw.org

Learn how to hack Facebook account

  Learn how to hack Facebook account

Facebook is fun when chatting with friends and loved ones. With the rate of new users registering everyday,Facebook has become one of the most active social network. 


Hacking is fun when you learn it. You do not need to be computer guru to know how to hack.
Note:Don't try to hack your lover's account,it might lead to high blood pressure when you find out. A word is enough for the wise

           Methods of hacking

Phishing is a good way of hacking a Facebook account. All you need to do is create a fake Facebook login page. After creating, send it to the person you want to hack. If the person gives his/her details on the page,all the information will be shown to you.


KEYLOGGER is a program that keeps track on the strokes the victim makes on his/her keyboard when typing. This method involves access to the person's phone. After installing the software, it automatically store the strokes made by your victim,which will be shown to you.

3:  Facebook Reset Password

     Reset Password is not always reliable. Get the mobile number/email of the victim's account. Click on forgotten Password and type the email/phone number.
Facebook will ask you if you want to reset your password through the email address you provided. All you have to do is click on "No longer have access to these". Then you provide a new email where you want to reset your password. 
Note: The email must not be associated with any Facebook account

4:    Facebook Password Extractor 
    This method requires a knowledge of computer. Try and get access to the victim's computer. The login details is usually stored inside the computer system. Find where the Password is and get it.

5. Man In The Middle 

This attack usually happen inside a Local Area Network(LAN) in office, internet cafe, apartment, etc.
Below is the topology or infrastructure how MITM work, and how it can be happen to do hacking a Facebook account. 


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